Tuesday, June 26, 2007

June 25, 2007

We didn't get much else done on the weekend. The sudden rain storms pretty much made it impossible to start anything. We did get the wood uncovered today for almost the whole day. It was a good day for drying according to the farm report. Sunday wasn't. About 3 seconds after I got the wood uncovered the rain started. By the time I had it covered again it was a downpour. Oops!

Stan was supposed to come out today or tomorrow to work on the post and beam structure with Donnie. That was part of our original deal. Unfortunately he's ill and will contact us with further updates later in the week. It looks like we won't progress anymore for a week or so now. We're leaving on our trip early Thursday morning and work will be halted for a week. Donnie might be able to start up on Wednesday July 3 when he returns but more likely the next day after sleeping off some of his jet lag.


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