Wednesday, October 17, 2007

October 16, 2007

We met with Stan today. It went really well. He accepted the credits we had incurred so we subtracted those from the contract price. He had no problem with us dropping the pine and wanted to know where we got such a great price. He also agreed with our assessment of the time we incurred fixing the errors made by Stewiacke Truss and we subtracted that from the contract price. We didn't discuss the time we lost due to Stewiacke but we're happy with the outcome of our meeting.

Stan called the window people and our screens should arrive soon. They are also supposed to come look at the two damaged windows asap.

I wrote a cheque for almost $37,000 at the end! We're all done except for $3000. We agreed to hold that back in case we decide to go ahead with his insulation and for a little prtection until the windows are taken care of.

It's nice to be done of the ocntract part. We enjoy working on our own and making our own decisions.


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